Monday, October 15, 2012

TuneTrek-USS Olympia

TuneTrek-USS Olympia-Philly

Aug 4th.  2012

So I’d been doing my usual research and hadn’t been able to find a location that worked into my time frame.   I’d pretty much given up hope when I received a call from, and you’ll never believe this, Hope!  She was the Director of Marketing for the Independence Seaport Museum and she was excited about the project and wanted to see if I could come to the Olympia on the next day.  "Absolutely", I replied.  She even picked me up and drove
me back after the shoot.  Thank you again Hope. 

I got a full tour of the ship and a lot of history.   This ship still had 2 masts with sails because the steam engine technology was so new.  

Incredible engine room.


I got permission to film in the captains quarters.   Incredible blend of nice furnishings and massive 5 inch guns.


Very humbling.

Check out the episode and stay tuned.

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